Sunday, November 16, 2008

Silly Kids...

One of her many many many silly faces.

Kobe was "attacked" by Jack and his ketchupy little hands at dinner!

Playing airplane with daddy is a new favorite.

MMMM! Cookies!!

Eating pizza in a big boy chair and get so messy!!

That shirt and those shoes just don't go together...

Such a hat girl...

Some time with Kobes

I don't get to spend tons of one on one time with Kobe so I really cherish it when I do! Last Friday I took the babies to daycare and went to Kobe's school to volunteer - we made landform maps with dough - SO messy!! Then I stayed and had lunch with him and "the guys..." They are so funny and just crack me up - I love going up there!

Tonight I had a photo shoot and took Kobe with me to help make the little one laugh! He is sooo great with little kids. Then we went to this art gallery and they had a self portrait studio where you could draw.

A rough week for Bella

Last weekend Maddie and I spent early Saturday morning in the ER at Lakeside where they diagnosed her with croup - a very scary night for mommy! They did give her a teddy bear that she sleeps with every night now - it was cute. Then I took her in to her doctor this week because the past couple months she has been complaining about how her tummy hurts and so they wanted to evaluate it which sent us to Children's for more lab work and x-rays. Madison did SO amazing both times I was shocked! The good news is that she is fine and that she is back to normal now fighting with her brothers...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nana Jr.

Miss Maddie was singing and playing the piano today at my moms - it was ADORABLE!

The Halloween Festivities

The Sunday prior to Halloween we had a trunk or treat at Bellbrook - unfortunately due to the wind most of it was held inside our clubhouse. The kids had fun with our neighbors Truitt (who was also a skunk) and Leland.

Check out this baby - SO cute - he sat there on his nest half the night.

And the annual painting of the pumpkins...
Although Jackson quickly lost interest and found it much more entertaining to watch mommy and nana try to corral him and his paint covered self!

Kobe actually completely carved his own pumpkins this year!

On Friday we had Kobe's Halloween party that Jess and I were room mom's for...

And then we had Nick, Jess and Maren over at night - and of course Carson came too! :) (He and Kobe are attached at the hip).
Kobe helped me make apple crisp!

Karley and Jackson

Kisses for Bear

Just chillin' with my Uncle Nick

The cutest puppy - ever!!

The whole crew - So cute!!

What's been going on...

Well Bosley Creative has been sooo busy lately - it is great - but seriously affecting my time for blogging. :) So I figure as it looks like I won't be sleeping from now until January anyhow I might as well post a few pics. Bare with me as we play catch up. First off - we have quite a few friends celebrating the dirty thirty this time of year - so happy 30th Jess, Joel, Alex, soon to be Regi... did I miss anyone??

My Aunt got Maddie this sweet dress and it has taken me until now to get her picture in it - so cute!!

Puppy and Moosey
Jackson LOVES his puppy and moosey and sleeps with them every night - he was being super cute snuggling them the other morning so I took him to the studio to try to capture it but of course he changed gears by that point...

Our little Stinker
Mare Bear was a skunk this year and her cousins just loved her up!!

Smuff tried to put the infamous blonde wig on her - I am not sure who is funnier in the picture - the evil side of Jess you see or how mad Maren is!!

Our family from Arizona came in for a visit and Grandma Barbie even had a sleep over with us!! It was SO much fun and the kids couldn't have been happier to have her here!!

The 3rd graders got their bibles at church a couple weeks ago and they have a mentor. Kobe was lucky enough to have Carson's uncle take on both of them! He was so excited!!