Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's what family is all about...

We've been keeping really busy having our little Maren around, Kobe's social life, and just catching up on some much needed sleep and family time. Kobe's been loving the snow and helping dad to shovel and the kids are all seeming to really bond in a whole new way - Madison was hitting Kobe in the head with a fork during dinner last night, while Jackson screamed his head off - it really felt like the "cliche" family dinner... but then they can be soo soo sweet to each other ten minutes later. It truly makes me love the idea of having a big family.

Jax is 6 months old!!

It is hard to believe but Jackson turned 6 months old on Friday. We went to the doctor and he is 18 pounds 12 ounces, and a whoppin' 28-1/2 inches long. He has far out grown his infant seat and so now mommy has to find a new way to lug him and Madison around - thus sending Matt and I shopping for a new double stroller last weekend - which was Matt's very favorite way to spend a Saturday morning!! Here are some pics from our last photo shoot.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Taylor and Blake (Spencer's little brother and sister) came over the other day to play - she and Madison are going to be in the same grade and her mommy and I have already decided that they will be BFF's just like their older brothers... haha

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mare Bear

The last week has been pretty busy for us - last week Maddie got the 24 hour flu, Jax was teething and grumpy (but still no teeth!!), Kobe started up basketball, Matt was out of town, and I threw a baby shower for my friend Renee - so we kept pretty busy. I am watching my 2 month old niece Maren this week and next - she is such a cutie and has so many facial expressions. Jackson is getting sooo big and even graduated to eating in the high chair instead of his car seat.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Congrats Kojo!!

Kobe got his 2nd quarter report card back today - and got all 1's! The even give them some grades on life skills and they gave him an E for excellent on having a positive attitude! We are so proud of him!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Mini Boppas

We've spent the last few days doing some work around the house. Saturday Boppa came over and HID THE WIRES!!! We bought a tv to mount on the wall in October and I have been bugging my dad to hide all the wires in the wall - and he finally did! Madison and Kobe took great joy in helping him with it - it really was much safer for Madison than the pictures would suggest... and every now and again we really do put all of her clothes on her. Kobe even got to go on his first service call with Boppa - my dad got called out to work during the day and Kobe went with him. I still remember when I got to go when I was about Kobe's age - it was soooo cool!
Matt and I even overcame 2 major obstacles on Sunday. 1 - working together, 2 - matt using tools and working with his hands. Believe it or not - during nap time matt and I put together the shelves in our basement - all by ourselves (after a phone call to my dad to make sure he didn't want to just come do it for us, and for a few pointers...) - and even more incredible - not even a single argument during it all! Not even after Matt referred to himself as a "construction worker" for the 11th time.
Today I spent the afternoon painting the office part of my loft - I love it!! It actually shows hope of being a real room someday - but we still have a LONG ways to go.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Sesame Street Live

Three Tickets to Sesame Street Live - $60.00

Custom made (by mommy) Elmo Shirt - $10.98

Parking - $6.00

Elmo Hat - $10.00

Watching Madison Dance, Clap and Blow Kisses to Elmo - PRICELESS

Matt and I left the boys home with Nana and took Madison to Sesame Street Live today - SOOO FUN!! We even ran into Cousin Addison (and Jess!) there!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Fun Day!

Yesterday Kobe and I had a "fun day" together - Nana came over early to watch the babies and Kobe and I headed out for the entire day. We started off with breakfast at IHOP, then went to Barnes and Noble to spend his gift card from his great grandparents, then it was off to the zoo where we saw a 3D dino movie at the Imax and then got to see the sharks fed at the aquarium. Then it was downtown for pizza and Golden Tee and to the candy shop and then back out west to see the movie Game Plan at the ever so classy - dollar theater - where Daddy joined us. We had a blast!!

Party Animals

Our friends Renee and Alex (who are Madison's Godparents) are expecting their 1st baby in February - so they joined us on our extremely lame New Years Eve...