Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma Barbie & Aunt Smuff!

In honor of your birthday I rolled over today - three times from my tummy to my back - I am such a big boy!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanks Boppa

My dad has been spending tons of time helping me to set up my studio in my loft (not tm mention all the work he does on the rest of the house) - I don't know what we'd do with out him!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Santa Baby...

We put up our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving - Madison got in the spirit in her Mrs. Claus outfit...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

You win some, you lose... waaaay too many

Despite our rockin' matching Husker outfits - it just wasn't enough to win

Turkey Day

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving - Kobe and Jax snuggled up in the morning and the kiddies watched the Macy's Parade - Madison was thrilled to see Elmo on there! Thanks to Aunt Karen we all just relaxed and had an incredible meal and the whole family got to hang out all day together. We even very unsucsessfully tried to take a cousins picture - but the kids were having none of it!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I absolutely love the holidays, everything from good friends coming home, the food, getting to spend time with family, and the snow! Today Nick and Jess and Grandma Barbie brought Maren over and spent the day with us - we did Maren's first photo shoot, and apparently tired out Nick and Matt from their little play date!! They were the only ones I could get to take a nap today! Kobe came home and played in the snow and went sledding in our backyard, and we spent the evening making cookies and treats for tomorrow at Aunt Karen's. Kobe even told me a new recipe and he made it on his own!
We hope that you all have an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving and get to spend some time with friends and family. Matt and I know that we are truly blessed to have all the friends and family that we have.

Big Girl

I know I say it all the time but my little Mae is getting so big and tall! She loves shoes - she was wearing Kobe's around tonight, and she is tall enough to get into the drawers now which she thinks is pretty great!

Aunt Stephy is Home!!!!

Steph flew in yesterday morning and we spent the morning together and then we came to our house and she got to have some QT with the kids - which even included kicking the soccer ball outside with Kobe in the freezing cold weather!! - they all loved seeing her and as always we just wish there was more time!!

4 months old!!

Jack turned 4 months on the 18th - it's unbelievable how fast the time goes. He's proving to be quite a chunk!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Baby Cuz...

We went over to vist Maren again today and see Grandma Barbie as an added bonus - we are just too in love with our sweet little niece. Madison even got to hang out with Jessie's other niece Alyssa - but she wasn't too sure that she wanted to share her Uncle Nick with her...
We hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Whats mine is yours, and whats yours is... Madison's.

While Madison is a fantastic big sister - she tends to be slightly over bearing. She has taken over Jackson's bumbo seat to use as her own while watching Elmo and calling Daddy on the cell phone. She kicks it in his bouncy seat that she is waaaay to big for, and the swing is to be used for her babies, not mine. We have decided that she will most likely have a huge impact on the way Jackson turns out, either he will be extremely tough, or flinching for the rest of his life. When she "helps" to feed him it usually takes several (dozen) tries to make it in his mouth, during bath she splashes him so much he nearly flies out of his little tub. But she means well so we let them be.
In other breaking news - Madison has enough hair for clip-in bows!!!! Of course since I have patiently waited 18 months for this - she won't have anything to do with them. The look that she is giving in this picture is not a soft and sweet pose, but more of a warning look as to the kind of fit she is going to throw if I don't stop trying to put it in...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Miss Maren is here!!

My sister-in-law had her baby today at 12:18 pm which makes me an extremely proud 1st time Aunt!!! She is SO adorable! Her name is Maren Maxine. Jess did an awesome job but was pretty exhausted so we left them alone for the day but hopefully will get to go back up tomorrow! Kobe was SO excited to have a new baby cousin! For more pics and updates of their family you can check out their blog at

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

We're gettin' crazy!!

Madison has decided to cut loose and kick it during dinner while Matt is out of town...
Is it just me - or has Jackson changed SO much overnight?! He looks like a whole different baby today.
Kobe taught Madison to beat on her chest while making monkey sounds, and to pretend to be Tarzan - it's pretty funny.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Fun at N&B's

Matt left this morning for Oklahoma City for a week for work so we tried to keep busy this evening by going to Nana and Boppa's for a good ol' fashioned Sunday night popcorn supper (yes Steph - they still do this!) Madison follows in suit to Kobe in believing that her Boppa hung the moon - they had quite a few laughs together tonight! And Scholar Madison had us all rolling when she walked out wearing her Nana's glasses (yes I realize she looks slightly boyish in these pictures - I am sure Mrs. Stenger is ready to call child services on me for this...)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Just a few pics

Jackson is just getting so big and he is such a cutie - I had to share these. And to also let you see what happens when Madison doesn't receive all the camera's attention...

Jess' Shower

Last night we had our "golf widows baby shower" for Jess (my sister in law). There is a group of 6 of us that all get together especially in the summer because our husbands all play in a golf league together - so we had our own little shower for Jess and her baby. It was really fun - and she got the usual onesies, blankets, jimmy deans sausages that you usually get at a baby shower... ???? haha... only Tiff. As you can see Jess looks awesome - and she doesn't even have 3 weeks left! We can not wait to meet baby Maren!!