Saturday, September 29, 2007

Giddy Up

It was western day at Reeder on Friday - what these pictures don't show is the massive belt buckle Kobe had on...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Jax

Jackson is cooing and smiling so much now!!

Bath Time!

Listen to Madison laugh - it will make your day...

Monday, September 24, 2007

2 More Teeth!

Well - we discovered why Madison has been SO fussy lately - she had 2 new teeth poke through on the top! Such a big girl!!! She seemed much happier today, but baby Jax is still so unhappy and sick and unfortunately so is Matt.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Weekend

This weekend flew by! Yesterday Matt took Kobe down to his first Husker game - Kobe was on cloud 9! He had sooooo much fun. Today he had a game outside - they are so much fun to watch but he doesn't have too many so if anyone wants to come please let us know and I can get you his schedule - the boys are getting better and better. This afternoon we took advantage of the gorgeous weather and went to our new house - I am still in shock that we only have about 3 weeks until it's done and we can start moving in. We walked up to the new playground in Bellbrook - it is so so nice and Madison had so much fun playing on it! During bath time tonight Kobe and I had a little too much fun at Maddie's expense with the bubbles. Kobe started laughing so hard at one point and goes "she looks like the evil guy on zoolander!" so then we took it a little farther and added a gotee and she really did. Then he also made an "Elvis" style - the kids got talent. Jackson still isn't feeling good but was happy to get into his favorite froggy jammies after bath time! Jake has been so good lately - he is so cute when the babies cry he just goes over and stands by them like he is protecting them - what a good big brother! They are all asleep now - and I think I am headed there too. Hope that you all have a good week!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Just a few pics...

This week has been a rough one, I had a cold all week long and the babies have something and are SOOO crabby all the time! But I did manage to catch Madison in a good moment - because she was eating one of her faves... mommy's mini pizzas!! She was SO messy - but so cute! (Matt of course was freaking out that she was dirty!! - oh the thought of having a 16 month old who isn't constantly clean - what would people say!?!) And Boppa came to save the day and took Kobe to his school's carnival tonight - we really didn't want to take the babies since they weren't feeling good so we were so happy when Boppa said he was more than happy to get to go with Kobe - and Kobe came home with blue hair! haha! He had a great time! Tomorrow he and Daddy are headed to Lincoln bright and early for the Husker game, Kobe couldn't be any more excited!
Our house is done in about 4 weeks! I can't believe it! We will be moving in the weekend of October 20th so if you have a strong desire to come and give a helping hand in any way, whether it is helping watch the babes or to do some heavy lifting please let me know - we would greatly appreciate any help we can get!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Splish Splash!

I can't think of a better way to start out my week than with bathtime with these two little ones! They had so much fun playing in the bath. Madison was even congratulating her Michigan State duck on their victory last weekend.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Today we went to the OOTD walk and walked in memory of my brother. It was a really nice event with an incredible turnout. I worked the 1st part of it as the "event photograper" - it was a gorgeous day outside - even little Madison enjoyed herself. Matt and Kobe couldn't go because Kobe had a football game - but a good friend of Chris' and her mom came to walk with us.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Jackson's 1st trip to the 'doah

Jackson made his maiden voyage to Shen on Friday with me, his big sis, his big cousin Addison, and her mommy! We went down all day and had a great time with tons of visitors including Aunt Buns who came back from college to see them and both their grandma and grandpa who took the afternoon off, and his great great aunt and uncle, not to mention a few great aunts and their Great Grandma Neva - and of course great grandma and grandpa Bosley - whose house we invaded. it was so fun to see everyone and Great Grandpa Bosley couldn't have been more excited to have 3 his three youngest Great Grandbabies down to visit him. And the last photo you will notice is a toll booth - APPARENTLY they have one if you take the 370 exit back to Omaha... Aunt Karen neglected to inform us of this when she mentioned the "short cut" of going this way. It wouldn't have mattered except that between Jess and I we had a combined 8 cents. We had to drive "into town" and get money from the ATM and take it back to them because they informed me that they "had me on camera"... hahaha - as if we were going to try to scam them out their dollar. Aunt Karen - thank you for making our trips memorable and interesting even with out being there!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What? I was hungry!

Apparently the child proof locks on the cabinets only work if you actually get them shut and latched all the way. This is what Madison managed to do while I gave Jackson a bottle...

Kobe had his 1st flag football game on Sunday. They play at an indoor place - he loves it!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

New Phone Number

Just wanted to let you all know that I got a new phone number. It is 402-708-3707.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Jackson's 1st Trip to the Zoo!

My parents came over today and we all took the kids to the zoo - they had so much fun - Madison was pretty intrigued by the gorillas. They all even got to ride the carousel. I think Boppa had the most fun though!

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Well the football season has finally kicked off and Matt couldn't be happier. We got all decked out in our Husker Gear on Saturday and went to Michelle and Jason's house for the game. The kids had a blast playing together.