Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Just some more updates...

Jackson is growing and changing so much every day and is still just doing wonderful! Madison's new favorite thing to do is to take everything out of the cupboards in the kitchen (we can't wait for Boppa to get better so he can come put our child proof locks on everything!). She can now tell you what a cow, bear, pig, and dog say - as long as you are willing to use your imagination a bit. Kobe had his last day of golf lessons today which he loved doing.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Getting Ready...

Kobe goes back to school in less than 2 weeks so we got to do the infamous school supply shopping! Remember how fun that used to be!! And Madison joined in the fun with some good old fashioned glue sniffing... (relax - its not open).

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Our House...

They framed the house this week! I can't believe how fast it all goes! My mom came over today and watched the kids so I got to go workout at our new clubhouse too - I loved it! Nine months of not working out really makes you forget how great it feels! Ha!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Cox Classic

I took Kobe to the Cox Classic this morning for the Family Day where he got to do the junior clinic with the golf pros and get autographs from 4 of the golfers in the tournament. He had an absolute blast.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Firsts...

Well baby Jax is now 4 days old and has been so wonderful - he is absolutely perfect and I just couldn't be any happier with my new little man - and the kids and Matt are so great - I just really still can't believe how blessed we are with such a healthy and wonderful little boy. Yesterday I took them all on his first walk which they all loved... ok - Jax slept through most of it - but trust me, he loved it and Jackson also had his first photo shoot with Mommy yesterday, the first of many, many, many more to come... This morning we took him to church for the first time - thank goodness for at 10:30 service because it was a stretch to get all three fed and dressed and there on time - but somehow we managed. Daddy and Kobe are hanging out at the pool today having some "man to man" time, Madison and I got to have girl time on Friday when just the two of us went out and went shopping, so I think we are safe to say the "older kids" are doing just fine with having a new little brother around!

Shorty(s) wanna be a thug...

Friday, July 20, 2007

The ever so famous hospital photo...

Here's a link to the hospital photograph - not the most flattering... hahaha

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The last 36 hours...

Well it has been a long and exciting 36 hours for our new little family of 5. I'll try to give the brief version of the overall rundown and have a few pictures to share of course.
We went in yesterday morning to be induced and it went so fast, that little Jackson was born before 1:00! He has been doing great and it was so much fun to have a baby and then actually get to keep him in the room with us! The kids have been so awesome and we really truly couldn't feel any more blessed.

Daddy and Jackson even got a little naptime in together... We had some visitors last night and just a few today - but we decided to leave the hospital around 4:30 which is when the real "fun" began... We got home to find out that OPPD had confused our current home with our old rental home that we sold and shut our power off - so we had no power, no a/c.
This then forced us to Nana and Boppa's house (which they absolutely hated) until they could come out and reconnect it for us. Although the silver lining was that Jackson got to meet some of his Winterburn Rd. family. It is now 10:00 and we have successfully gotten Madison to sleep, Kobe is nearly there and Jackson is content, but not with out completing our parent initiation which consisted of both Matt and I getting peed on at different points and both babies screaming at us simultaneously.

A Note From Madison:

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?? I confess, it was me - thanks Grandpa GB...

Mom thinks she's tired but she has no idea how exhausting the last 2 days have been for me trying to prepare them for the next 17 years... It is so tiring to compete for the spotlight constantly - I mean, how many cute things should a girl have to do to steal the show from a kid that literally eats, sleeps and poops his life away? Anyhow - the little guy is actually pretty cute and I think I just might like the idea of being the big sister.

He's HERE!!!!

Jackson Noah Bosley was born yesterday at 12:39 pm!!! He was 6 pounds, 13 ounces, 20 inches long and is absolutely wonderful! Matt and I still just can't believe we got a little boy. He is doing so great and we are actually hoping to get home tonight. Kobe adores him, and Madison is still trying to figure out what is going on. They are great big siblings though that spent most of the day up here at the hospital with us yesterday and are headed up here again soon after a little R&R with Nana and Boppa. I will post some pictures tonight when I get home, somehow I don't think Wells Fargo would approve of me loading up my 5 meg pics onto Matt's laptop...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Exciting News!! (but still no baby...)

So Matt and I finally got to close on our construction loan to start building our new house! We were kind of holding off on talking about it until we closed - but now it looks like we are free and clear! We are building in Bellbrook on 192nd & Harrison and hope that it will be done in November. Now Kobe gets to continue going to Reeder with all his buddies and we love the neighborhood. They have only done the basement so far and should start framing towards the end of next week I think. It's pretty exciting for us!
Madison has learned a new trick as well - we call it "the piggy". Truly a face only an adoring mother, father and Kobe could love... hahahaha. I guess it just goes to show i can dress her up like a little doll but at the end of the day she is going to snort like a pig and growl at people.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Save The Date...

Matt and I went to the doctor today and we have an appointment on July 18th at 7:30 am to be induced at Lakeside. Hopefully I will just go into labor naturally before that but if not it looks like July 18th we will finally get to meet our new little one. Unbelievable that we actually are talking about getting induced - especially after 15 weeks of shots to keep the baby in there! haha! We will continue to keep you all posted.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July

This year has been one of the very best 4th of July's that I have had since the mud fight back in '95!! We started off the morning with red white and blue pancakes and then Kobe rode his bike in our neighborhood's parade with his buddy Lexi while their little siblings cheered them on from their strollers. Then it was off to Nana and Boppas for a day of fireworks, food, a little Bocce and tennis, and some more fireworks. Steph and Kate and Tanya all flew back this year to celebrate the holiday with a good ol' fashioned Winterburn Road Progressive Dinner. Even Erin left the exciting night life in KC to join in on the festivities. There were a few babies there this year as well and Kobe put on a fireworks show for everyone. Thanks again to all who played with Kobe - he had such a great night and is already counting down the days until next year.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

All Tuckered Out...

I have to say that we have been loving Mommy being at home and have been taking full advantage of the warm weather and getting outside as much as possible. Madison was so exhausted after her playtime in the pool that she crashed out in her swing. The swing that I should add - DADDY hung up for her - GB & Double J - you should be so proud - Little Matt is growing up to be quite the handyman...

Sunday, July 1, 2007

True Love...

These pictures were way too cute not to share... This is our friend's Wes & Kyla's little boy - he is the cutest and sweetest little guy you have ever seen, and he and Madison have become buds. They had a good time cheering their big brothers on at their game the other night. (If you guys haven't caught on Kobe is #7!)