Friday, October 17, 2008

The Big Red Barn

So we boycotted Vala's this year and went to the Big Red Barn and I loved it - it was SO much better for Maddie and Jax. They loved the animals - especially the cats! - and Maddie even rode a pony!! They all picked out their pumpkins and Jackson took a DIVE into the mud pile - so funny! There are a million pics but it was just too cute and fun!


So lately the business has been taking every second of my time so I haven't posted lately - but tonight I just lost 2 hours worth of work so I am taking a little break to catch everyone up with some pics!
Here are just a few silly pics of us playing...
Brotherly Love...

The kids (and of course there are a few more of Mae Mae...)

(she makes this face when she's telling a story - I love it!!)

Kobe has had fall break since Weds and the babies love having him home to snuggle with in the mornings!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Boppa and Maddie

My dad spent nearly every night here one week to help us get things done around the house and he even came a few days just to play with the kids one on one. This is the night he hung out with Bella. They got ice cream from the ice cream truck and ate it in the playhouse, I even had to take them their dinner out there! They swang, and played side walk chalk and everything Boppa is great at!! We are SO SO SO lucky to have him!!

The Kirbster

Kirbz came back for a wedding and we ended up getting to go out one night, meet up in Lincoln for the game (and an extremely entertaining ride home due to Kirby's sleep talking), and then she even came to Kobe's football game on Sunday and stuck around to play with the kids at the playground and hear plenty of "I love you Stephy"'s from Maddie. She is such a great Auntie!!

Taking advantage of the nice days!

the 49ers

Kobe playing Center...

Jackson is super fired up for the game...

Bath time fun!

Big Girl Bed!!

So I apologize to all my faithful blog checkers. Something has been wrong with blogger lately and I have had a hard time uploading pictures to it.
2 weeks ago we put Maddie in her big girl bed and she did SO GREAT!! She basically immediately kicked us all out of her room so she could go night night.

Check it out - Dennis Rodman...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wild Thing...

One of my brother and my favorite books as kids was "Where the Wild Things Are..." And of course it has been passed down to my kids and they love it. I found this shirt for Jack and it just couldn't be more fitting for him - as anyone who has spent time with him lately can vouch - he is definitely my little wild thing.