Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Our Fun Day at the Zoo

We had a fun day today and got up and packed our picnic lunch and headed to the zoo in Lincoln. Anyone with kids under 5 - this is THE ZOO to go to. It is so much better for them and geared towards them - all 3 of my kids had a blast!!!

yep - it's a rat...

"'Sup Ladies..."

"I'm not entirely sure this silly bear isn't real... so I am going to keep my distance."


We went accross the street to the Sunken Gardens afterwards - it is so gorgeous out there!!

We spent the rest of our fun day outside playing with the neighbors and then took dinner out to Nana and Boppas house and played.
Can you say "Tyler McGinnis at our reception??" For some reason watching Jackson pushing this shopping cart just brought back some memories of Tyler's killer dance moves.

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