Friday, July 18, 2008

Jackson Noah is One Today!!!

Jackson turned one today!!! I had to shoot a golf tournament this morning so daddy stayed home with the kids and played. We hung out and played with Jackson's new toys (which he loved!!) this afternoon, went to the Lugnuts end of the season pool party in the evening and came home for the greatest mess of cupcakes and frosting bliss that you can imagine. Jackson LOVED it and got SOOO messy - but as you can see by his giant smiles - it was SO worth it.
And in other breaking news - Jax took his first steps today!!! He will walk 3 or 4 and then fall down laughing - but it is sooo cute! Such a memorable birthday! I will try to get a little video up of it soon.

Our future allstar??

"what? - I wasn't going to take it from him... I swear!"

3 hotdogs, 7 apple slices and umpteen cookies later - and still going strong...

"Happy Birthday Cha Chi!!!"

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