Monday, July 28, 2008

Kobe's weekend in the 'Doah

Last Friday we took Kobe to Shen to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. Needless to say he had the time of his life - going fishing with grandpa, shooting a "22" with grandpa (I don't even know what that means - but I am pretty sure I am glad I wasn't there to see it...), going to the fair to see his cousin show his calves, to the infamous Shenandoah swimming pool, and just some good all around spoiling by Grandma Barbie... Matt picked him up in Glenwood on Sunday and we spent the rest of the day at Nana and Boppa's house (shocking, I know...). Kobe is SO lucky to have such wonderful grandparents that let him do this stuff - it means so much to him and we couldn't be any more grateful to G&G for giving up their entire weekend for him.

Maddie jammin' out to "her" ipod on the drive down...

At N&B's on Sunday
"I am SO glad Kobe is home!!"


Taking baby on a walk in mommy's old dolly buggy

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