We went down to Shen on Monday and surprised Grandma, Buns and Gama all at work and then dropped by G&G Bosleys to say hi before heading out to blindly find June and Larry's house and getting ridiculously lost in Essex. Thankfully the good man at the auto shop knew exactly where they lived and we eventually made it there to pick up Cody. He came and stayed Monday - Wednesday with us. Madison called him Cookie the whole time and she just thought he was sooo cool. Kobe had a BLAST and was sad to have him go home. They did the Burke Football Camp in the evenings and kept busy during the days at the Pizza Machine and the pool. Cody is such a great kid and we had so much fun having him here. "Gooood Morning Cody!!!!"
"Alright - where are those boys at..."
Madison thought Camryn was sooo cool and talked about her the entire night.
I am a photographer based out of Omaha, Nebraska where I live with my husband and our three children. My style is very candid, unique and casual, and my focus is to capture real smiles, real moments, and real memories. Please contact me at 402-708-3707 or contact@bosleycreative.com with any questions or to get a shoot scheduled!
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