I took Kobe (and Madison) again this year to the kids day at the Cox Classic Kids Day where the golf pros work with the kids on hitting and then they get autographs from the pro golfers.
Last Friday we took Kobe to Shen to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. Needless to say he had the time of his life - going fishing with grandpa, shooting a "22" with grandpa (I don't even know what that means - but I am pretty sure I am glad I wasn't there to see it...), going to the fair to see his cousin show his calves, to the infamous Shenandoah swimming pool, and just some good all around spoiling by Grandma Barbie... Matt picked him up in Glenwood on Sunday and we spent the rest of the day at Nana and Boppa's house (shocking, I know...). Kobe is SO lucky to have such wonderful grandparents that let him do this stuff - it means so much to him and we couldn't be any more grateful to G&G for giving up their entire weekend for him. Maddie jammin' out to "her" ipod on the drive down... At N&B's on Sunday "I am SO glad Kobe is home!!" FEARLESS... Taking baby on a walk in mommy's old dolly buggy
We had a fun day today and got up and packed our picnic lunch and headed to the zoo in Lincoln. Anyone with kids under 5 - this is THE ZOO to go to. It is so much better for them and geared towards them - all 3 of my kids had a blast!!! yep - it's a rat...
"'Sup Ladies..."
"I'm not entirely sure this silly bear isn't real... so I am going to keep my distance." "MONKEY'S!!"
We went accross the street to the Sunken Gardens afterwards - it is so gorgeous out there!! We spent the rest of our fun day outside playing with the neighbors and then took dinner out to Nana and Boppas house and played. Can you say "Tyler McGinnis at our reception??" For some reason watching Jackson pushing this shopping cart just brought back some memories of Tyler's killer dance moves.
It seems like we always switch things up a bit when Matt is out of town for a week at a time. This week I painted Jackson's room (finally!!) blue - I even painted the ceiling - I love it now and it so much more fitting for him - now I just need to decorate it! We also got Jakey a new summer cut today - he is shaved - he looks so cute!! Kobe was so kind as to give his brother and sister horsey rides tonight - they LOVED it and were both laughing so hard! He is such a great big brother. I only hope some day they will realize how lucky they are to have him!
Jax had his party yesterday - we hung out at our house for lunch and cake and then went up to the pool - the kids had so much fun together!! It was so fun to see all the babies together.
The Smack... The evidence... Pool Party!! Back home to play with our new toys!
I am a photographer based out of Omaha, Nebraska where I live with my husband and our three children. My style is very candid, unique and casual, and my focus is to capture real smiles, real moments, and real memories. Please contact me at 402-708-3707 or contact@bosleycreative.com with any questions or to get a shoot scheduled!