Sunday, August 26, 2007

Jackson's Baptism

Jackson got baptized this morning. His Godparents are Aunt Stephie (my best friend), Aunt Jessie and Uncle Nick. Aunt Stephie wasn't able to make it back from Michigan for the baptism - but she did call this morning and we are sure she will make a wonderful long distance Godmother! Aunt Smuff and Uncle Nick did get to come and celebrate Nick's big 3-2 birthday- by doing his favorite thing - going to church...
We had lunch at our house afterwards and the kids all got to spend some QT with their grandparents. They had 3 of their great grandparents here even! My grandparents came down from Wisconsin to be with us for this event. It's been a great day and I really couldn't ben any happier to have such a wonderful family to share these times with.

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