So I have been reluctant to brave the trip to the grocery store with all 3 kids. First off I hadn't figured out how physically I was going to get Madison and Jackson in the cart - but today we had a revolution. It's Matt's last day of golf league so he wasn't around and on our way home from Kobe's football practice I realized we were completely out of formula for Jackson and so I had no choice but to go - and it was then that the lightbulb went off... HyVee has those fantastic carts that have the cars of the front leaving me just enough room for the kids in the front car part, Jackson in the regular cart area and just enough room for about 2-1/2 groceries. Writing this I am realizing that no one is going to truly understand the extreme pride I was feeling as I wheeled around HyVee and checked out without so much as a whimper from any of them - but trust me - it was a very defining moment. Now that you are all truly bored out of your minds from reading this - check out some pics of our new place! The outside is so close to being done - sort of... But it gives you an idea.
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