Friday, August 3, 2007

Gone Campin'...

Well we spent the last few days out at Two Rivers Cabins camping with our 3 kids and a few others too! We went out on Wednesday night and Kobe's friends Spencer, Madelyn and Kaitlyn all came out and stayed the night - despite the rain they kept themselves entertained with hide and seek, and board games. Nana and Boppa came out and picked up Jax and Maddie to stay the night with them and brought them back the next morning to us. On Thursday the kids played all morning and then my friend Kyla brought out her 4 kids and they went swimming and fishing, rode bikes and played catch all day long, we grilled out and played some more at night - and of course made Smores!! Jackson and Madison both stayed on Thursday night with us along with Kyla's oldest - Jadyn. The kids/babies were all awesome and we had such a great time and we got up and packed up Friday morning and came home.
I do have to say that despite the fact that Matt hates outdoor activities - especially camping - he was such an awesome sport. He took all of the kids swimming and taught them all how to fish too. Not to mention grilling dinner for everyone and then sleeping on the WAY TOO SMALL bunk beds 2 nights in a row. To give you a little picture - the beds were about a foot too short for Matt and they were about as wide as his shoulders - and due to the fact that Madison took over my bed on Thursday - we had to share a bed on the 2nd night! All in all - he definitely earned his father of the year award over the last few days!

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