My birthday was today and we had such a great day! Starting last night Renee and I got to go out - no kids!! - and do some much needed catching up. Today the babies and I went to NFM and looked for a big girl bed for Maddie. It was adorable watching as she tried out every single bed there. She chose the "football bed" (it was a boys bed with football bedding - but it made her daddy so proud - obviously that is not the one we will actually be getting!!!).
We went to my parents house for dinner and dessert and even got to play with the neighbors dogs which the kids thought was too cool.

Maddie and I even got to walk down and watch the train go by - this is one of her favorite things to do there.

Thank you SO much to everyone who made my day so great by emailing or calling or even the overly generous ones who sent such wonderful gifts! Kobe made me a necklace out of an old necklace chain and a "crystal" that he had - he did such a good job and I LOVE it and can't wait to wear it tomorrow - it was one of the sweetest things he has ever given me.

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