Monday, August 11, 2008


This past week has been full of milestones at our house.
Our biggest news yet - MADISON IS POTTY TRAINED!!! Three VERY long days of intense training - but now we are full on potty trained - during wake hours anyways. It is pretty exciting and we have been sooo proud of her. I think my favorite part is the portable toilet seat that I now get to take everywhere with me...

this is extreme pride...

Jax is also officially a walker. He has started to walk much more than he crawls - I wouldn't say he is good at it - but he loves to try!

And of course - Kobe is starting the THIRD GRADE on Wednesday!! Honestly - I can't even believe it when I say it. 3rd grade seemed to be this huge turning point - your officially the "older kids" of the school. He has an awesome class with lots of his good friends. We had open house tonight and got to meet his teacher and she seems so nice.

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