Friday, May 16, 2008

Goooooood Morning Mommy....

We had another "first" with Jax this morning... I must warn - the picture below is slightly "disturbing", but most of the mommies out there have been there already, some will be there at some point, and as for my single girlfriends, this will keep you single and childless well into your thirties...
I went in this morning to find Jackson had pooped more than one even thought possible from such a small child, and then he managed to take off his diaper (if you are curious why he only had a diaper and no pants on - please direct your questions to my husband). Poop - EVERYWHERE... quite the morning.
And yes - I did take a picture - for a few reasons. One - while most things are not funny at the time - they are funny down the road - which is exactly why I always take a picture, Two - once memories are done, they are done and you can't go back and take them again, Three - the first time little Jack dares to udder "but mom, it's not fair", I will take out this picture and show him just exactly what "not fair" is...

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