Friday, May 9, 2008


Well I have had some little reminders over the past week as to just why I love being a mommy so much.

Kobe had a mothers day program at school this morning and it was so cute - the kids did great and it is so much fun to see them!!

They made us all books and filled out information about us, drew our pictures, and even wrote us letters and poems. It was by far the greatest gift I could have asked for. The poem about me was adorable so I have to share...

Cutie Pie
Athletic girl
Tries to travel
Horizon lover
Excellent cook
Runs fast
Intelligent thinker
Eats lots of chips

I was feeling pretty good about myself until that last "E". Haha!

Madison is in her "imitating" stage - she wants to do whatever I am doing - and I love it!!
She locked herself in the bathroom to put on her mascara...

She has been taking such good care of baby by feeding her waffles, dancing with her, and taking her on walks outside...

Maddie is also overly fond of her big bro, and was strutting around with his baseball hat on!

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