For Madison's actual birthday on Friday she, Jax and I went to Mimi's for pancakes for breakfast, then we had lunch with Nana, a little nap time and then she got to open her presents from her brothers, mom and dad, her great grandparents, and aunt stephy! Thank you Bobo! Thank you Cha Chi! Thank you Aunt Fefee! We had her party on Sunday which is when the real fun took place! So Many great presents!!!
Well after a very long month of hard work the playhouse was finally completed on Saturday. Madison absolutely LOVES it and I just can't get over watching her and her friends play in it! My dad did an amazing amazing job and Matt and I couldn't be more grateful to him for it. He has proved once again just how talented he is. My mom is also not to be forgotten as she watched all three kids nearly every night for weeks so that I could help my dad. That was probably the hardest job! Literally working day and night... The building process... My dinner on more than one occasion... Painting, Painting and More Painting... The Saturday Crew... Honestly guys thank you SOOO much for all your help and giving up part (or in Alex's case - all) of your Saturday to help us with this - it wouldn't have come together without you guys! And wives - thank you for giving up your hubbys on Memorial Day Weekend for this! Secret Messages for Madison Behind the Scenes... What would we do without Nana?! What made all the hard work SO very worth it...
I am a photographer based out of Omaha, Nebraska where I live with my husband and our three children. My style is very candid, unique and casual, and my focus is to capture real smiles, real moments, and real memories. Please contact me at 402-708-3707 or with any questions or to get a shoot scheduled!