My (sister in law's best friend who went with us to Jamaica for Nick and Jessie's wedding and then we stayed in touch and were pregnant at the same time together and became friends...) friend who lives up in Canada is in town for the holidays and brought her baby Carmen over to play the other day. She is only 5 days older than Jax and made our big boy look like a peanut!!! She is sooo adorable and a big girl - she is the most mellow baby ever and such a little sweetie! Her and Jackson had a great time together... hahaha. I also left Jess and Courtney alone with Jax for a minute and come to later find on my camera - they put him through some odd form of Christmas torture... Jessie is on the verge on losing her Godmother rights. haha And of course our little Mare Bear came over too and slept the whole time - I have got to be the most boring Aunt ever - I have rarely seen this girl awake - although Jess assures me if I come over around midnight she is wide awake!
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