Monday, December 31, 2007

The 4 Days of Christmas???

Our Christmas was so wonderful - aside from this being the first year that my grandparents and aunt weren't able to be with us over the holidays, this was one of the best Christmas' I have ever had. We spent the Saturday before at Aunt Karen's and even got a special visit from the very Jolly Old Elf himself who came and talked to all the great grandkids and told stories to them, and we spent the remainder of the day eating, talking, the boys playing cards and the girls torturing the 4 new "Bosley Greats" with matching outfits and photo shoots. Kobe and Dean even managed to split the $80 jackpot after winning big at Deal or No Deal.

Saturday night was the very famous Kirby Christmas Kegger - Nana and Boppa watched the kids and Matt and I headed out for a night of very very bad Christmas outfits and tippy cup fun. I hope to have some pictures sent to me soon to post. As this is the event we look forward to with great joy every year!! We even got to ALL have a sleepover at Nana and Boppa's house!

On Sunday we packed up the kiddies and headed to Shen to stay with Gama Neva and we stayed through Christmas Eve. Of couse Baby Maren was there with Nick and Jess and Little Cousin Kellen (and crew) came to visit on Christmas Day and Gama and Grandma no doubt spoiled us all and gave us some R&R!

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