Friday, September 21, 2007

Just a few pics...

This week has been a rough one, I had a cold all week long and the babies have something and are SOOO crabby all the time! But I did manage to catch Madison in a good moment - because she was eating one of her faves... mommy's mini pizzas!! She was SO messy - but so cute! (Matt of course was freaking out that she was dirty!! - oh the thought of having a 16 month old who isn't constantly clean - what would people say!?!) And Boppa came to save the day and took Kobe to his school's carnival tonight - we really didn't want to take the babies since they weren't feeling good so we were so happy when Boppa said he was more than happy to get to go with Kobe - and Kobe came home with blue hair! haha! He had a great time! Tomorrow he and Daddy are headed to Lincoln bright and early for the Husker game, Kobe couldn't be any more excited!
Our house is done in about 4 weeks! I can't believe it! We will be moving in the weekend of October 20th so if you have a strong desire to come and give a helping hand in any way, whether it is helping watch the babes or to do some heavy lifting please let me know - we would greatly appreciate any help we can get!!

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