Saturday, September 15, 2007

Jackson's 1st trip to the 'doah

Jackson made his maiden voyage to Shen on Friday with me, his big sis, his big cousin Addison, and her mommy! We went down all day and had a great time with tons of visitors including Aunt Buns who came back from college to see them and both their grandma and grandpa who took the afternoon off, and his great great aunt and uncle, not to mention a few great aunts and their Great Grandma Neva - and of course great grandma and grandpa Bosley - whose house we invaded. it was so fun to see everyone and Great Grandpa Bosley couldn't have been more excited to have 3 his three youngest Great Grandbabies down to visit him. And the last photo you will notice is a toll booth - APPARENTLY they have one if you take the 370 exit back to Omaha... Aunt Karen neglected to inform us of this when she mentioned the "short cut" of going this way. It wouldn't have mattered except that between Jess and I we had a combined 8 cents. We had to drive "into town" and get money from the ATM and take it back to them because they informed me that they "had me on camera"... hahaha - as if we were going to try to scam them out their dollar. Aunt Karen - thank you for making our trips memorable and interesting even with out being there!

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