Thursday, July 19, 2007

The last 36 hours...

Well it has been a long and exciting 36 hours for our new little family of 5. I'll try to give the brief version of the overall rundown and have a few pictures to share of course.
We went in yesterday morning to be induced and it went so fast, that little Jackson was born before 1:00! He has been doing great and it was so much fun to have a baby and then actually get to keep him in the room with us! The kids have been so awesome and we really truly couldn't feel any more blessed.

Daddy and Jackson even got a little naptime in together... We had some visitors last night and just a few today - but we decided to leave the hospital around 4:30 which is when the real "fun" began... We got home to find out that OPPD had confused our current home with our old rental home that we sold and shut our power off - so we had no power, no a/c.
This then forced us to Nana and Boppa's house (which they absolutely hated) until they could come out and reconnect it for us. Although the silver lining was that Jackson got to meet some of his Winterburn Rd. family. It is now 10:00 and we have successfully gotten Madison to sleep, Kobe is nearly there and Jackson is content, but not with out completing our parent initiation which consisted of both Matt and I getting peed on at different points and both babies screaming at us simultaneously.

A Note From Madison:

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?? I confess, it was me - thanks Grandpa GB...

Mom thinks she's tired but she has no idea how exhausting the last 2 days have been for me trying to prepare them for the next 17 years... It is so tiring to compete for the spotlight constantly - I mean, how many cute things should a girl have to do to steal the show from a kid that literally eats, sleeps and poops his life away? Anyhow - the little guy is actually pretty cute and I think I just might like the idea of being the big sister.

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