Well baby Jax is now 4 days old and has been so wonderful - he is absolutely perfect and I just couldn't be any happier with my new little man - and the kids and Matt are so great - I just really still can't believe how blessed we are with such a healthy and wonderful little boy. Yesterday I took them all on his first walk which they all loved... ok - Jax slept through most of it - but trust me, he loved it and Jackson also had his first photo shoot with Mommy yesterday, the first of many, many, many more to come... This morning we took him to church for the first time - thank goodness for at 10:30 service because it was a stretch to get all three fed and dressed and there on time - but somehow we managed. Daddy and Kobe are hanging out at the pool today having some "man to man" time, Madison and I got to have girl time on Friday when just the two of us went out and went shopping, so I think we are safe to say the "older kids" are doing just fine with having a new little brother around!
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