Thursday, May 24, 2007

Madison's 1st Birthday

Madison turned ONE yesterday and celebrated with her 1st haircut (yes for those of you ready to crack the "what hair" joke - your too late - 300 people have already said it...) and another party. Thanks again to everyone who came over to help up celebrate - we are so lucky to have such great friends and family! Our newest Bosley addition even made the celebration - she is sooo sweet and adorable!
Matt and I went to the doctor yesterday and today and it looks like this little guy (hey - I can hope...) will hold off for just a little while longer!! Our FFN test came back negative and so we will have at least another 2 weeks of pregnancy bliss. The doctors were both really optimistic and think things are looking good! We got some great ultrasound pictures and this little one looks like it's packing quite a schnauzer - so we are anxious to see what he or she looks like!

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