Thursday, May 17, 2007

The first of many...

Since I do still work in the world of "all things geek", I have learned that "blogging" is the great new way to keep your friends and family up to date and with all the very busy and exciting things that we have going on in the Bosley family this year - I decided it was time for me to truly enter the nerd world and start up a blog...
First things first! Our cousin - Jess LaRock and her husband Mac - just had their first little baby girl this morning named Addison Louise. Grandma says she is beautiful! :) We are so happy for them and excited that they have kicked off the Bosley Baby Craze that will be happening this year, 1 down, 3 to go...
Secondly - I went to see my doctor yesterday and apparently the baby has dropped pretty low, but nothing else is going on. He is pretty confident that we will be lucky to just get this one to 34 weeks and above 5 pounds. Who knows with babies though - they have a mind of their own - and there are always miracles that happen - but for now - we are preparing to welcome our new little one in the next month or so. Please keep praying that the baby is healthy. I was really disappointed because I really thought I would be able to carry this one full term, but as you can see with Madison and Kobe - they turn out just fine in the end!
We will keep you posted as things move along so check back!

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