Well Bosley Creative has been sooo busy lately - it is great - but seriously affecting my time for blogging. :) So I figure as it looks like I won't be sleeping from now until January anyhow I might as well post a few pics. Bare with me as we play catch up. First off - we have quite a few friends celebrating the dirty thirty this time of year - so happy 30th Jess, Joel, Alex, soon to be Regi... did I miss anyone??
My Aunt got Maddie this sweet dress and it has taken me until now to get her picture in it - so cute!!

Puppy and Moosey
Jackson LOVES his puppy and moosey and sleeps with them every night - he was being super cute snuggling them the other morning so I took him to the studio to try to capture it but of course he changed gears by that point...

Our little Stinker
Mare Bear was a skunk this year and her cousins just loved her up!!

Our family from Arizona came in for a visit and Grandma Barbie even had a sleep over with us!! It was SO much fun and the kids couldn't have been happier to have her here!!

The 3rd graders got their bibles at church a couple weeks ago and they have a mentor. Kobe was lucky enough to have Carson's uncle take on both of them! He was so excited!!

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