Sunday, September 14, 2008

Catching up...

So I haven't posted in a while - things have been crazy busy around our house!
Last weekend we hosted with our next door neighbors our 1st annual (??) 198th Cir BBQ. Despite the rain and dreary weather nearly everyone came and we had a great time getting to know our neighbors better.

The big boys

The little boys...

The baby boys (our little heartbreakers...)

I am teamed up with US Cellular and a new magazine called Home Game ( I go to every home game and take pictures of everything going on before the game (tailgates etc...). It is pretty fun and I get to see everything that I love about Husker football from the bumper to bumper traffic to the Husker buses, to all the crazy fans and the constant "sea of red"!

After the tailgating I came home because we had "the cousins" over for the game - the kids are just too cute together!!

My brother's walk was today - it was SO windy and cold - but a great turnout none the less...

After our crazy weekend we had a good and much needed night full of silliness with the kiddos!

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