Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Superbowl

Our Superbowl Sunday was pretty uneventful, but Madison and Daddy snuggled up and had a good ol' time watching the game!

Jackson was put through another grueling photo shoot for his 6 month pictures in his nerd outfit. He looks like such a little Poindexter - I just love it!!

I finally gave the home page an update - check it out when you have time. Thank you so much to all the families who let me use their pictures on my site, the ones on the home page were just a few of my favorites, and the gallery should be updated hopefully in the next couple weeks - there are so many great new pictures to add!!
Steph - this picture and story is especially for you... I was feeding Jackson breakfast the other day when Madison snuck up to the loft and when I went up to get her - I found her chewing on a black marker. After washing her black hands, black teeth, black gums, black tongue, and black cheeks I got out the baby gate and put it up immediately.

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