While Madison is a fantastic big sister - she tends to be slightly over bearing. She has taken over Jackson's bumbo seat to use as her own while watching Elmo and calling Daddy on the cell phone. She kicks it in his bouncy seat that she is waaaay to big for, and the swing is to be used for her babies, not mine. We have decided that she will most likely have a huge impact on the way Jackson turns out, either he will be extremely tough, or flinching for the rest of his life. When she "helps" to feed him it usually takes several (dozen) tries to make it in his mouth, during bath she splashes him so much he nearly flies out of his little tub. But she means well so we let them be.
In other breaking news - Madison has enough hair for clip-in bows!!!! Of course since I have patiently waited 18 months for this - she won't have anything to do with them. The look that she is giving in this picture is not a soft and sweet pose, but more of a warning look as to the kind of fit she is going to throw if I don't stop trying to put it in...
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