Sunday, October 7, 2007

Congrats to Matt!

I am sure that some of you have momentarily forgotten about our 5th family member - Mr. Matthew - as he doesn't usually make "the blog news..." - but I did want to let those of you who hadn't heard know that he left Wells, Friday was his last day - and he is starting with American Fidelity tomorrow. We are SOO excited and so proud of him and so happy for him - i think it is going to be a great opportunity and definitely a step in a better direction and we know he will be awesome at it. The crazy part is that he will also office out of our home - so we will now both be working from home - although Matt will be out working with customers and getting new business the majority of the time. So now we are even more thankful for the loft/office that we put on - without it trying to work from home with 3 kids could be quite a challenge!

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