Maddie and Grandpa

Kobe's best part of the day was that Grandpa gave him Matt's 1st antlers for his birthday. Kobe had asked them for antlers for his room and he was sooo excited to get them - and the fact that it was the first deer Matt shot made it even better. This of course sent Matt into a round of "hunting stories" about how he had to wrestle the deer to the ground with his bare hands... which of course Kobe kind of believed...

Grandma had cupcakes waiting for the kids for Kobe's b-day

Jackson broke into tears when grandma took his away so of course it was given back immediately... :)

Attempting a family picture...

Madison falling off the couch in the midst of throwing a fit about having to take a family picture...

Nick, Jess and Maren totally showing us up with their smug little grins about their perfect family picture...

Bunsy and her man...

Grandma and her babies...

Ryan reading to Maddie

Maddie and Caroline

And as a grande finale to the day - Jack snuck into the kitchen - pulled up a chair to the counter and stole some italian sausage...

Take a closer look...